No Peace

Ep.12 –taok: Ball Is Life BALL IS LIFE


  1. furniture is real
  2. we lived in a dream before
  3. laamp can travel through time kingdom hearts style
  4. kawabungamaru can shoot energy blast from hand
  5. if you draw a body you have to start with the hair
  6. kawabungamaru wears tear away pants
  7. pens are mechs
  8. new segment: anime news
  9. comics are time travel
  10. the power of friendship overcomes everything and love wins

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Ep.11 –taok: Meet Ray's GENIUS brain drawing skills

i cant believ ehow good our friend is at drawing

  1. koby has unblocked the power of the ball
  2. laaaampe has been forcibly removed from koby
  3. yuki hayashi will score the adaptation of our comic
  4. ok no no actually hes gonna score the comic itself like one of those birthday cards that plays a song when you open it
  5. fighting will happen next time  
  6. if we get to 10 pages a week we have to end the podcast

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Ep.10 –The adventures of emotional introspection (and kawabungamaru)

We pitch a tent (horny)

  1. THOUGHT CRIME- considering watching Naruto.
  2. We don't give sarah money for the song - laamp is a cop????? - koby is a mech who gained sentience

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Ep.8 –TAOKoKaQo(La): Meet Basketball

Ball is life

- craig is fired

  • cowboy hat
  • worlds tiniest violin
  • Basketball that turns into a gun

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Ep.7 –taok: Meet Shanda Lear

Colins on this one

  • kawabungamaru likes bdsm but its not a sexual thing theyt just enjoy the power dynamic and the sense of play and the aesthetic
  • kawabungamaru has vampire teeth (sometimes)
  • you cannot be cool if you dont have two belts on
  • qurse of qolumbo

Ray's Tsubasa Chronicles Podcast | Riley's Podcasting Podcast | Sarah's Patrick Rothfuss Hatecast | Colin also does a podcasts

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Ep.6 –taok: Meat the Body, Gamers

of god

  • If you make it rain on Qoseph Qolumbo it's like tucking him into a nice blanket
  • when oturan gets out of the bath the apocalypse will come
  • when oturan gets out of the bath the apocalypse will come
  • When oturan gets out of the bath the apocalypse will come
  • When oturan gets out of the bath the apocalypse will come
  • one day this shit will rule again
  • One day this shit will rule again
  • Koby deez nuts
  • prenart clarity
  • Oturan is in the hot spring

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Ep.4 –The Adv. of Kawabungamaru: Whaley Hosskins

we niceify the navy seals copypasta

Hey its time to make page 2 of the manga (and also an anti drug PSA)

  • surfing on whales are VERY NOT COOL
  • things that we are supposed to forget
  • Koby is: uncool, has a mean face, wants to free herself from restrictive life of the furniture people, is very nice, has a mean inner face

What the frick did you just hecking say about me, you cutie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Furniture Culinary School, and I've been involved in numerous charity bakes, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in quilting and needlework and I'm the top karoake singer in the whole hidden grass vallege. You are nothing to me but a new friend. I will wipe you the frick out with kindness the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

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Ep.3 –The Adventures of Kawa: Meet Laaampe!

also page 1 of the manga

  • furnies are socialists
  • power makes u evil
  • laamp has a lil moustache and soul patch (but you'll never guess where!)
  • laamp founded lampertarianism no nuance allowed(edited)

  • kawabungamaru fell into the world and broke all their damn bones,

  • kawabungamaru has never done anything wrong
  • they saved qoqo's life by falling on the person that wanted to kill him
  • laaamp is responsible for the eradication of the centaren't

  • kawabungamaru is abstinence forever

  • kawabungamaru is asexual and they love themselves and its good
  • kawabungamaru knows that theyre in a comic
  • laamp's catchprhase is 'i'm not sorry for party rocking

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