No Peace

Ep.5 –Sarah 18:45

F R I E N D S H I P ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

4 years ago

The road is long and the stairs are steep. We are being tested, The answer is unclear, to understand it we must remain with The friends who have been by our side all along. We have not forgotten The attempt to lead us astray- we are steadfast. Also, The new Sonic movie is really good.


5.7 - Sakura hgas aq big jet plane that turns into a big robit 5.8 - KNUCKLES IS NARUTO BECAUSE HE HAS FROSTED TIPS 5.9 - oTURAN IS OUR friend 5.10 - yOU To CAN BE A GAYnin - WHIOCH IS A NINJA OF FRIENDSHIP 5.11 - Naruto's greatedt weaknes is acupunctute
5.12 - Power iz stored in the TOES 5.13 - The NINJA SHOES are the measure of our souls 5.14 - Sonic movie good